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Intelligent charging

The demands on car dealerships are constantly growing. Electricity costs will continue to rise in the future and, at the same time, e-mobility and growing charging options are here to stay. Setting up your dealership for the future and considering all eventualities seems like a major challenge at first. But it doesn't have to be. By investing in a customised and growing photovoltaic solution, car dealerships can make themselves independent of high electricity prices and compensate for a lack of grid connection capacity economically and sustainably. Nothing stands in the way of a modern charging infrastructure.

  • “My roof now makes me independent and reduces my electricity costs.”
    Benedict Dahlmann
    Managing Director, Dresen Car Dealership

Car Dealership Dresen, Germany

The challenge.

Like many car dealerships, Dresen faced the challenge of offering customers and employees sufficient charging infrastructure for e-mobility. Unfortunately, they lacked the corresponding grid connection capacity. With a total of eight charging stations, including a 50 kW direct current rapid charging station, the dealership’s planned e-charging infrastructure would require 193 kW of power when utilised to its full capacity. Unfortunately, their existing electrical connection could only supply a maximum of 150 kW, which rendered the charging station plan unusable since no additional e-charging points could be added.


The solution.

Instead of spending a great deal of time and money to expand their commercial power supply, Car Dealership Dresen decided to invest directly in a solution supplying sustainable, future-proof solar energy. In addition to the PV system, their new solution features a commercial storage system and an energy management system. The latter controls charging station operation in real time based on the electricity available from the solar plant and the storage. The goal of this dynamic load management is continuous optimisation of the power supplies to all applications from technical and economic standpoints.

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The Result

The results are striking: the dealership’s new solar solution provides a secure, independent and comprehensively efficient energy supply to not only the charging stations, but the entire premises. Previously unproductive roof areas now produce electricity with a high-performance photovoltaic system—meeting the company’s energy needs up to 50% more cheaply than public power would while also providing independence from continuously rising electricity prices. A precisely dimensioned storage solution and a smart energy management system store, dispense and regulate the produced solar energy intelligently.

The solution in stats.

Annual energy requirements
System size
150,000 kWh
167 kWp + 131 kWh storage
Electricity production
CO2 savings
135,000 kWh/year
62 tonnes/year

Are you interested in a photovoltaic solution for your company or simply have questions for us?

Contact us using the following contact form. We look forward to a non-binding, initial discussion with you.

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